Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Anna Part III

In order to fully capture the stress completing this costume I added a few drawings

and thanks to AdreeCosplays where I went for my guidance for this cape.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Anna Part II

Taken care of a lot of steps since last post. 
 Cut out the skirt from my old bedsheets.

And than gathered the skirt and sewn it onto the vest.

I tore a zipper from an old bag I don't use and repurposed it to fasten the dress.

 A thank you to Event Horizon Cosplay for the pattern.

And that is how I made Anna's dress from supplies found from my basement. I decided to skip making the shirt for I gotten short on time, but what is Anna's costume without her cloak?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Anna Part I

 Got started on my costume the other day! The black vest with golden lining is done.

Its a little short for Anna's vest but I am happy with it.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


I have seen this DIY makeup bag tutorial for a while and I thought "Yeah, I can do this" and went to it after thinking that for a few months.
Saw that,
made this.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Halloween Costume

This year I want to make a full costume, rather than part of it, like when I was a fox dancer from "What Does the Fox Say" last year. I decided to go to my default Halloween costume, for I don't have an idea another costume. Most of it has to do with the time it takes to make it look good,  since I never done this before, I need that extra time for covering my tracks.

Anyway default costume means I am going Disney princess, but unlike the tradition of wearing the large child dresses with matching pants, I am going to make it. I chose Anna for unlike Elsa the cold always bothers me. Anna costume is cute and weather prepared.

I also found most of the fabric and materials I need in the basement. (How wonderfully convenient)
And I just practiced working from patterns from my grandmothers collection and scrap fabric

(its so old it cost 35 cents) 
I am going to work from another pattern and than start my work on the actual costume, but I am really excited. All I need to buy is the cape material. I thought of leaving it out, but I realized she never takes that cape off in the movie. Wish she did, just so I know exactly what method her dress is held together, but like everybody else who made this I will just choose my own.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Filing Pocket

 I make these things twice a week lately, and they are starting to look better as well. It felt about time to blog about it.

 Filing pockets, exciting.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Portfolio Bag

So I had this portfolio

It was like 10$ or less than 10$ something, not bad, but those handles scratched the paper on the inside and there was this glue that kept sticking to it, but I needed the bag to store those drawings somewhere for the year. Until the other day, when I made one myself.


Back in childhood, before I started drawing, I was a huge crafter. A crafting nut, made doll houses, doll dresses, and some toys. Than I got older, crafted less, drew more. Now, years later, I decided I needed a new hobby, or an old one. So I am moving back into it. With the help of a whole bunch of sewing materials my family inherited from my grandmother, that nobody knows what to do with, expect me.

Big goal is to make a dress, but mostly to make things that look professional, never was the cleanest with stitching. Also since this is a non drawing/art blog,  I might stick projects in here that don't focus on what I think fits on my art blog, even if its awesome. "When Not Drawing" is going to be my sorta crafting or other projects sort of thing, or when not drawing posting related things. I'll figure it out eventually.

Thanks to Helen who motivated me to blog this sort of stuff, who is by far the coolest crafter I know. (crocheting and knitting is like magic to me, so she is a witch)